Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Best Day of the Week

I LOVE Sundays! I love going to church! Friends who aren't Mormon look at me like I'm nuts when I tell them we go to church for 3 hours every Sunday, but it's the best three hours of the week. I love being able to take the sacrament, to ask forgiveness for my missteps during the week and start fresh. To be reminded of what is truly important and recommit myself to try a little harder to be little better in the upcoming week. I love feeling the Spirit, hearing the testimonies of others, and participating in discussions about the gospel. I love it when something, some point of doctrine that seemed a little obscure before, suddenly comes into focus because the teacher or another member of the congregation explains it from a different perspective than I've heard before. And I love the feeling of support and fellowship that I get from being around others who believe the things that I do.  I feel the difference in my week when I miss church and the uplift to my spirit that I get there.

Today in Sunday School we discussed Job and his unwavering faith in God, even when he had lost everything. His lands and wealth are gone, his children are dead, his wife is telling him to curse God, his friends have deserted him, and his skin is essentially rotting and yet he says: "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.  He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him." (Job 13:15-16)  His life couldn't be any worse, and yet he holds firm to his faith. He refuses to curse God for the misery that he is in, because he KNOWS that one day he will stand before God and have to make an accounting of his life, and he refuses to face God as a hypocrite who did not live with the faith he professed. What an incredible example. It made me think about how well I live the things that I profess to believe. I want the faith and conviction of be able to say that when the time comes for me to face my Heavenly Father, that a hypocrite shall not stand before Him. I have some work to do.