Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"How good and glorious it has seemed unto me, to find pure and holy friends, who are faithful, just, and true, and whose hearts fail not; and whose knees are confirmed and do not falter, while they wait upon the Lord, in administering to my necessities..."

I found this quote from Joseph Smith while preparing a lesson for Relief Society last Sunday. I have been likewise blessed when it comes to friends.

So I share this quote in honor of my incredible friends, who bless my life with their strength, encouragement, and humor.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Surprise...he was listening!

So every now and then a kid will totally surprise you. Just when you're convinced that they aren't listening to a thing, especially anything YOU are saying, they go and do something to prove you wrong.

I ran into my next door neighbor today at Target. Though we live right next door to each other we seem to hardly ever see each other. So, anyway, I stop to chat with her for a few minutes and catch up a bit. She mentioned to me how much she likes my boys, and what nice kids they are. She asks what I think about what is happening politically in our country, and I suggested there may not be time to discuss it there at Target considering my passionate feelings on the matter as of late. I told her my poor kids get an earful on a regular basis and because of that are far more informed about what is going on than I EVER was at their age.

Then she tells me that she actually had a 45 min conversation with my son the other day about the political craziness going on these days. And she says, "He is very smart, and really had a lot to say about all of it." So I ask, "Oh were you talking to [Stitch]?" Assuming it was him because he is the most vocal and inquisitive about politics. But she surprises me and tells me it was Number One. You could have blown me over. He usually seems pretty oblivious to those conversations, and isn't too vocal about his feelings or opinions about anything that's going on. Most of the time I feel like everything we say goes in one ear and out the other, not just about politics, but about most stuff. So I was thrilled to hear that he IS listening. And that someone else was impressed about his knowledge and ability to express it. It gives me hope that other things are sinking in as well. And it makes me very proud...I mean what parent doesn't love hearing how terrific their kids are?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My own post-it.

I recieved my own post-it note this morning. A thoughtful reminder, from a loving daughter, that I can face any challenge with the Lord's help. I have been truly blessed. She is not just a wonderful daughter, but a good friend....and I love her to pieces.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Love is...leaving a post-it!

Isn't it amazing the way that siblings can fight like cats & dogs and then turn and do something incredibly sweet and loving for one another?

For the past two school years The Girly and Stitch seemed to argue just about evey morning while getting ready for school. One always claimed that the other was being annoying. But when Stitch realized that he would be getting ready for school alone this year, because The Girly was starting high school and morning seminary, he was not happy. He told all of us that he was worried it was going to be lonely and wierd without her in the morning.

So The Girly began doing something very thoughtful, to make Stitch feel better about the situation. Every school day morning since school began, she has left him a post-it note stuck to the bathroom door. Little words of encouragement and love. Stitch is saving every one and tucking them in his journal. He looks so forward to them every morning.

It makes my heart feel good to see their love for each other...expressed through the giving and cherishing of little post-it notes.